Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 8

This page contains Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 8 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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141. Line by line translation of a program is done by?

Answer: Interpreter

142. The shortcut key used for copying selected text into clipboard is–

Answer: Ctrl + C

143. The binary language consists of …………………..digit(s).

Answer: 8

144. ബ്ലാസ്റ്റർ' എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത് ഒരു ..............ആണ് ?

Answer: കംപ്യൂട്ടർ വൈറസ്

145. ഇമാജനിങ് ഇന്ത്യ' ആരുടെ പുസ്തകമാണ് ?

Answer: നന്ദൻ നീലേക്കനി

146. .IT Act ഭേദഗതി ചെയ്ത വർഷം ?

Answer: 2008

147. Cyber Laws are included in:

Answer: Residuary Powers

148. The Indian Parliament passed the Information Technology Bill , which is regarded as the mother legislation regulating the use of computers, computer systems and computer networks as also data and information in the electronic format , in the year:

Answer: 2000

149. HTML is an acronym for

Answer: Hyper Text Markup Language

150. A memory bus is mainly used for communication between?

Answer: Processor and memory

151. Main circuit board in a computer?

Answer: Mother board

152. The list of coded instructions is called?

Answer: Computer program

153. .The two basic types of record-access methods are?

Answer: Sequential and random

154. In MS Word 2007 Maximum Zoom is _____. percentage.

Answer: 500

155. Changing information by a person/a virus while typing the data, from the way it should be entered is called

Answer: Data diddling

156. The use of the internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, or an organisation is termed:

Answer: Cyberstalking

157. By hacking web server traking control on another person’s website is called as web _____

Answer: Hijacking

158. __________makes the carriage moves towards the left through the draw chord.

Answer: The Main Spring force

159. വാണിജ്യ വ്യവസായ ആവശ്യങ്ങൾക്കായി ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന കമ്പ്യൂട്ടർ ഭാഷ?

Answer: കോബോൾ

160. ഇന്ത്യയിൽ സൈബർ നിയമം നിലവിൽ വന്നതെന്ന്?

Answer: 2000 ഒക്ടോബർ 17

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