Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 20

This page contains Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 20 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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381. MAC addresses are also known as?

Answer: both and b above

382. Which of the following is an Intellectual Property crime?

Answer: All of these

383. A file name cannot contain in MS–ward database file–

Answer: space

384. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a–

Answer: network

385. The design of the network is called the network–

Answer: architecture

386. Lowest level of security system is–

Answer: C

387. You must install a(n) ………………….. on a network if you want to share a broadband Internet connection.

Answer: router

388. Which of the following is an example of connectivity?

Answer: Internet

389. Three SQL, DDL, CREATE commands are–

Answer: Schema, Table and View

390. Which ports connect special types of music instruments to sound cards ?

Answer: USB

391. DES stands for

Answer: Digital Encryption Standard

392. Where does encryption and decryption of data take place in OSI model?

Answer: Presentation layer

393. In 1983 who defined the term "Computer virus"?

Answer: Fred cohen

394. Overlapping of letters at the locked right margin is called:

Answer: Piling

395. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of ----- languages.

Answer: High-level

396. There are_______kinds of shift systems.

Answer: two

397. The command Ctrl+U in MS Word is used for: .

Answer: Underline

398. Cannot perform one of the following from Quick Access Toolbar:

Answer: .Save as

399. There are _________kinds of cylinders.

Answer: three

400. __________is used to bring the carriage from one point to another point easily.

Answer: Tabulator

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