Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 12

This page contains Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 12 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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221. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ആദ്യ വൈഫൈ നഗരം?

Answer: കൊൽക്കത്ത

222. Piconets in blue tooth a minimum of two and a maximum of ____________ Bluetooth peer devices.

Answer: eight

223. Part number, part description, and number of parts ordered are examples of–

Answer: input

224. A DVD is an example of a(n)–

Answer: optical disc

225. Operating system is–

Answer: a collection of software routines

226. Which of the following dose not represent on I/O device?

Answer: ALU

227. The piece of hardware that converts your computer’s digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines is called a–

Answer: modem

228. Which of the following is a cyber crime against individual?

Answer: All of these

229. _____ software programs are designed to keep computers safe from hackers:

Answer: Fire Walls

230. The language used for Artificial Intelligence?

Answer: Prolog

231. A computer checks the _____ of user names and passwords for a match before granting access?

Answer: Database

232. BISYNC is an abbreviation for?

Answer: Binary synchronous

233. Name those tags which when placed on an animal, can be used to record and track in a database of the animals movements?

Answer: RFID

234. The instruction 'trans' given in a manuscript represents:

Answer: Transpose

235. ARPANET stands for?

Answer: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

236. When did IT Act 2000 of India came into force?

Answer: 17 Oct 2000

237. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ആദ്യ സൈബർ പോലീസ് സ്റ്റേഷൻ?

Answer: ബാംഗ്ലൂർ

238. ഫെയ്‌സ്ബുക്കിന്റെ ഉടമസ്ഥതയിലുള്ള മെസേജിംഗ് ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനായ വാട്‌സ്ആപ്പ് ഇന്ത്യയുടെ പരാതി ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥനായി നിയമിക്കുന്നത്

Answer: പരേഷ് ബി ലാൽ

239. ഇന്ത്യയുടെ പരാതി ഉദ്യോഗത്തനായി ഫേസ്ബുക്ക് നിയമിക്കുന്നത്

Answer: Spoorthi Priya

240. Which new Windows operating system has been officially launched by Microsoft?

Answer: Windows 11

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