Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 13

This page contains Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 13 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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241. Which generation computers used Microprocessors as switching devices?

Answer: Fourth Generation

242. An automatic machine that is made to perform routine human tasks is

Answer: Robot

243. Computer network is a

Answer: Both A & B are true

244. भारत में निर्मित प्रथम कम्प्यूटर है–

Answer: सिद्धार्थ

245. Apple Macintoshes (Macs) and PCs use different ………………… process data and different operating systems.

Answer: methods

246. To access properties, of an object, the mouse technique to use is–

Answer: right-clicking

247. ………………….. controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.

Answer: Operating system

248. Execution of two or more programs by a single CPU is know as–

Answer: multiprogramming

249. Expand CAT related to law

Answer: Cyber applet tribunal

250. The rental of software to consumers without the permission of the copyright holder known as

Answer: Renting

251. Computer instructions written with the use of English words instead of binary machine code is called?

Answer: Symbolic code

252. Which of the following may be necessary for you to do after you install new application software?

Answer: Do a warm boot

253. What type of resource is most likely to be a shared common resource in a computer network?

Answer: Printers

254. .where we can find embedded operating system?

Answer: On PDA

255. DES stands for

Answer: Digital Encryption Standard

256. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?

Answer: Transpose

257. Moving process from main memory to disk is called?

Answer: Swapping

258. When was the Information Technology Act came into force in India?

Answer: October 17, 2000

259. A touch pad responds to

Answer: pressure

260. Unwanted or non - requested emails are called?

Answer: Spam

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