Kerala PSC Social Welfare Schemes Questions and Answers 9

This page contains Kerala PSC Social Welfare Schemes Questions and Answers 9 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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161. ഹരിത കേരളം പദ്ധതിയുടെ ബ്രാൻഡ് അംബാസഡർ ?

Answer: കെ.ജെ യേശുദാസ്

162. കൃഷി നാശം മൂലമുണ്ടാക്കുന്ന ദുരിതങ്ങൾ കുറയ്ക്കാൻ കേന്ദ്ര സർക്കാർ 2016 ൽ ഏർപ്പെടുത്തിയ പദ്ധതി

Answer: പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ഫസൽ ബീമാ യോജന

163. According to census 2011 the sex ratio in India is

Answer: 940

164. Balwadi nutrition programme was started in

Answer: 1970

165. Trachoma control programme was merged with the national programme for the control of blindness in

Answer: 1976

166. Mission Indradhanush was launched on 25 December 2014. The 'Start up India and Stand up India' is related to

Answer: promoting bank financing for entrepreneurs

167. Under the ICDS Scheme launched in 1975 children are protected against 6 vaccine preventable diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, pertusis, tuberculosis and measles. Which colour of ration card is issued to Antyodaya beneficiaries?

Answer: Green

168. Services under the ICDS Programmes are rendered through :

Answer: Anganwadi Centers

169. Which is the Grams Panchayat level organ of the Kudumbashree?

Answer: Community Development Society (CDS)

170. Where was the VAMBAY formally launched on 2nd December 2001?

Answer: Hyderabad

171. In which year was the PMRY scheme launched?

Answer: 2nd October 1993

172. What is the ultimate goal of the Kudumbashree Programme?

Answer: Na

173. Which Prime Minister of India launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in April 2005?

Answer: Manmohan Singh

174. The Government of India launched the Balika Samridlul Yojana in which year?

Answer: 15 August 1997

175. . In the Mid-day Meals programme, who fully borne the cost of food grains?

Answer: Government of India

176. The 'Start up India and Stand up India' is related to

Answer: promoting bank financing for entrepreneurs

177. Number of diseases covered by Integrated Child Development Scheme?

Answer: 6

178. Which one of the following is not a component of 'Bharat Nirman' scheme launched in 2005-06?

Answer: Rural sanitation

179. Kudumbashree was launched formally by Government of Kerala on :

Answer: 17th May 1998

180. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was launched by :

Answer: Shri Rajeev Gandhi

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