Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 7

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 7 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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121. ഉത്തരാർധഗോളത്തിൽ ഏറ്റവും ദൈർഘ്യമേറിയ പകൽ അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്നത്എന്നാണ്?

Answer: ഡിസംബർ 22

122. ഏറ്റവും ഉയരത്തിലുള്ള യുദ്ധഭൂമി സ്ഥിതി ചെയ്യുന്നത്?

Answer: സിയാച്ചിൻ ഗ്ലേസിയറിൽ

123. മഞ്ഞ നദി എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്?

Answer: ഹ്വയാങ് - ഹോ

124. Who was the founder of Trivandrum Public Library?

Answer: Col. Edward Codogan

125. The Head Quarters of Kerala Lalitha Kala Academy is -----

Answer: Thrissur

126. Whose Samadhi is situated at Panmana?

Answer: Chattampi Swamikal

127. The responsibility of Jawahar Rozgar Yojana is vested with

Answer: Panchayat Raj Institutions

128. Which one of the following is not an antivirus software?

Answer: Trojan Horse

129. Communicating with staff at all levels and ensuring every member of staff feels part of a forward thinking team is

Answer: Internal PR

130. ----------- is a Negotiable instrument

Answer: Cheque

131. The Act which empowered the British Government to arrest and imprison any person without trial?

Answer: Rowlatt Act

132. Which software has its native file format as PSD ?

Answer: Adobe Photoshop

133. Manohar Lal Khattar is the Chief Minister of

Answer: Haryana

134. Which was the organization founded by Ayyankali?

Answer: Sadhujana paripalana Sangham

135. When you save a file first time, Which dialogue box will be opened:

Answer: Save as

136. The eradication of unemployment programme of Kudumbasree known as

Answer: Keralasree

137. 'Mangalyan' reached the orbit of Mars on

Answer: 2014 Sept. 24

138. A.G. Velayudhan was the leader of

Answer: Paliyam Satyagraha

139. Which is correct order of Ocean sizes in decreasing ?

Answer: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean

140. Vernal Equinox occurs on ?

Answer: March 20

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